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Project: A Counterpart of the Relational Algebra for Matrices


The relational algebra is used under-the-hood in every commercial relational database. Often, however, data is not relational. Indeed, data scientists often deal with matrices instead of relations. A counterpart of the relational algebra for the matrix data model, called MATLANG, has been introduced in [1]. Various projects are possible on this subject, ranging from theory-oriented projects aimed at studying the expressivity and normal forms of MATLANG to implementation-oriented projects aimed at implementing MATLANG and allowing MATLANG to be a compilation target for (fragments of) existing languages like numpy or R.

[1] R. Brijder, F. Geerts, J. Van den Bussche, and T. Weerwag, MATLANG: Matrix operations and their expressive power. ACM SIGMOD Record, v. 48, 60-67, 2019. 

Robert Brijder
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