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course: JBG040

BG040 is among the courses in the Data Challenge series which, together with the other courses in this series, aim to teach the students how to combine the technical skills acquired earlier or during the course with practical experiences gained in other methodological courses in a problem-oriented context. More specifically, the main objective of Data Challenge 1 is to prepare the students to perform large-scale data-driven analyses in the form of a medical image classification task (See the Project Description for more detail), while they organize themselves in groups. The challenge in this setting involves training a model for the classification problem and reflecting the quality of the trained model regarding its practical application, while ethical considerations should also be taken into account.

The course is designed to help the students learn how to best use their technical skills from knowledge and theoretical understanding in approaching a real-life application as a team with a problem-solving mindset.

Cassio de Campos
Maryam Tavakol
Alvaro Correia